Version 5.1.8
Thu, 13 Mar 2025 16:00:00 GMT
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed CSV (encoding commas) and HTML exports
- Updated catalog's colors in legend
Version 5.1.7
Tue, 09 Apr 2024 10:00:00 GMT
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed GUI hanging when parsing results on Java 21+
Version 5.1.6
Wed, 07 Jun 2023 21:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added more columns in calibrator views: CalFlag, G (for V band) & MDFC columns IRFlag, Lflux_med, Mflux_med, Nflux_med (for LMN bands)
- Improved both query form and calibrator view Editor to edit and display L / M / N fluxes in Jansky by default (automatic conversion from LMN magnitudes to Jansky)
- Added a new preference in 'General Settings' to select the 'Jy' or 'Mag' convention for L / M / N fluxes
- Changes:
- Improved table sorter: larger icons and leave empty values at the end
Version 5.1.5
Tue, 24 May 2022 11:00:00 GMT
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed preferences for Faint scenario to display UD values
Version 5.1.4
Wed, 08 Sep 2021 09:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Updated legend to support new catalogs in coming release
- Changes:
- Fixed compatibility with java 16+
Version 5.1.3
Fri, 24 Jul 2020 11:47:34 GMT
- Changes:
- Placeholder to generate a beta release in sync with new public but that uses the beta server. To be replaced in the future.
Version 5.1.2
Fri, 24 Jul 2020 11:37:33 GMT
- Changes:
- Updated hard-coded IP address of the JMMC SearchCal Server (required only on networks without DNS). If you can't upgrade your installation,
you can set the preference '' in the file '' to ''.
Version 5.1.1
Tue, 16 Apr 2019 14:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Do not reset calibrator filters when new query results are loaded;
use the new 'Reset Filters' action in the 'Calibrators' menu if needed
- Always reset the calibrator table if the query returned no calibrator
- Changes:
- Change hardcoded IP of SearchCal Server.
Version 5.1
Wed, 07 Mar 2018 11:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved Java support (9 + mac OS X) but Java 7 minimum is now required
Version 5.0.1
Fri, 30 Jun 2017 16:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Updated documentation and release notes
Version 5.0
Thu, 01 Jun 2017 14:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Dynamically compute vis2 / vis2Err and dist columns
when the user changes either the instrumental parameter or the science object (before filtering and sorting).
- Changes:
- Public release for SearchCal 5.0
- First beta release for SearchCal 5.0
- Improved the column sorting to maintain its state accross user interactions
- Added new filter on both chi2 and relative error.
- Added new filter on Simbad's Object types (algol, mira ...) when known (JSDC).
- Use the new JSDC query scenario = fast cone search and magnitude filter implemented by the new SearchCal Server
- Upgraded SearchCal Server: Bright and Faint query modes now use the JSDC V2 (490 000 stars) and complementary data (2M stars)
- Faint mode rewritten to estimate the mean diameter and its error by using the complete spectral type range (min chi2)
- New Polynomial relations implemented (V-J, V-H, V-K) base on Alain Chelli's paper
- Improved Star resolver: report ambiguous matches (more than 1 object per identifier),
better timeout settings (3s for connection) ...
- Fixed the magnitude filter to reject stars where the magnitude is msising for the selected band
- Updated stellar diameter relations (JSDC v2)
- Increased maximum diffRA to 6H ie 360 min.
- Increased maximum query size to 5000 stars
- Updated server version to 5.0.0:
new stellar diameter relations,
totally rewritten rigourous error propagation
fit AV / distance using photometry
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed server crash occuring when the client performs an http retry query (firewall / proxy timeout).
Version 4.5
Mon, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added support for J and H bands in faint mode.
- Display computed Icous magnitude instead of I (johnson) in GUI.
- Added an 'Open Recent' menu.
- Improved JTable look and feel (auto size columns, number formatter and right alignment).
- Enabled GZip compression by default when saving a calibrator list (scvot.gz).
- Changes:
- Increased the minimum required java version from 1.5 to 1.6 (aka java 6)
- Enhanced cross-match algorithm to use proper motions (ASCC, HIP2 or USNO) when querying and matching other catalogs (2MASS, Denis, AKARI).
- Added query to HIP2 'Hipparcos, the New Reduction (van Leeuwen, 2007)' to get more accurate star properties (Ra/Dec, proper motion, parallax).
- Added duplicated stars filter on the ASCC catalog (distance less than 10 arcsec) in bright scenario.
- Modified Bright K scenario to use a larger constraint on V band (Kmaxi + 4 to get more giant stars).
- Modified rule to determine the mean diameter OK (now require 3 diameters, BVK in bright and JHK in faint).
- Compute all possible diameters in both bright and faint scenarii.
- Check the validity domain of each color index before computing its corresponding angular diameter.
- Check 2MASS quality flag (Qflg) to discard invalid J, H or K magnitudes ('U' or 'X' cases only; 'A' to 'E' are still considered valid).
- Fixed 2MASS query in bright scenario to get also USNO optical sources (opt=[TU]) as done in faint scenario.
- Added HIP2 catalog into legend.
- Update the progress bar while loading a large calibrator list (JSDC catalog).
- Enhanced performance of the HTML and CSV exports.
- Optimized filter processing.
- Enhanced performance when using the Delete action.
- Improved global performance when handling large dataset (JSDC catalog).
- Bug fixes:
- Check compatibility of square visibilities with/without interstellar absportion in faint scenario (i.e. reject stars when vis2 are incompatible : DIAM_FLAG = NOK).
- Fixed interstellar absorption (AV) correction on K and V magnitudes in faint scenario.
- Fixed cross-matches near celestian poles in the distance filter.
- Fixed data change detection for user confirmation before loosing changes.
- Fixed missing Hot News/Release Notes/FAQ links in Help menu.
- Developer notes:
- New VOTable format: confidences have integer types, flags move to boolean type (plxFlag, diamFlag, deletedFlag)
- New diam_count column to count number of consistent computed diameters
- Modified Bright K and Faint K scenarii to use only one primary request (ASCC and 2MASS respectively) and other catalogs as secondary requests (proper motion handling).
- Always compute galactic coordinates (i.e. do not retrieve them anymore from catalogs 2MASS or HIPPARCOS).
- Improved performance on JTable cell renderer.
- Use a JPEG icon instead of the PNG to work around a known bug on Mac OS X / Java7.
- Optimized filter processing (use add instead of remove).
- Added VOTable PARAM to embed server and GUI version numbers.
- Fixed TABLE nrows attribute when saving a calibrator list.
- Upgraded SAVOT VOTable library (4.0) with improved overall performance and GZip compression support.
Version 4.4.3
Tue, 18 Sep 2012 09:06:31 GMT
- Features:
- Added a filter to reject stars with magnitude below a given value.
- Changes:
- Removed deprecated I-band querying.
- Fixed interpolation of missing magnitudes B, K.
- Fixed computation of missing magnitude M (bright scenario).
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed compatibility for java 1.5.
- Enhanced progress bar updates to avoid updating form fields related to query parameters.
- Fixed lost changes in the DEC range field (focus issue).
- Fixed minor concurrency issue when the query status fails with an Invalid server id error but the query was successfully performed.
- Developer notes:
- Replace GroupLayout(java1.6) by GridBagLayout
- Add saaj.jar to fix SoapException NoClassDefFoundError
Version 4.4.2
Tue, 12 Jun 2012 18:20:03 GMT
- Features:
- Added an easy way to choose SIMBAD mirrors from star search field.
- Added keyboard shortcuts to close Preferences window.
- Changes:
- Enhanced file choosers behavior.
Version 4.4.1
Mon, 30 Jan 2012 15:43:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added a new 'Find' capability.
Version 4.4
Wed, 07 Dec 2011 17:40:32 GMT
- Features:
- Added AKARI catalog querying to provide IR photometries and compute N flux when missing.
- Enhanced columns order preference list readability.
- Changes:
- Enhanced VOTable output efficiency.
- Enhanced cross-matching algorithm on the server side.
- Removed L and M columns but added UD_N in bright detailed views.
- Enhanced calibrator's table cell tool-tips for computed values.
- Removed all CHARM2 catalog references.
- Better handling of user default values parsing problem.
- Updated acknowledgements to add reference to our new FAINT article (Bonneau et al, 2011).
- Updated dependencies to add reference to our jMCS framework.
- Updated polynomial coefficients (FAINT) to compute uniform diameters.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed FAINT crossmatch radius from 10 (!) to 1 arcsecond.
- Fixed query's magnitude default value.
- Removed deprecated columns 'LD', 'e_LD', 'UD', 'e_UD', 'Meth' and 'lambda' from detailed views.
- Fixed 'detailLed' typo.
- Fixed columns order preference list selection tracking.
- Fixed concurrency issues, memory leaks and major optimizations on server side.
Version 4.3.2
Wed, 15 Jun 2011 10:16:22 GMT
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed memory leaks causing heap fill-up with big queries.
- Fixed null pointer exception requesting full column display.
Version 4.3.1
Tue, 31 May 2011 16:44:44 GMT
- Changes:
- Feedback report user's e-mail address is now remembered and shared accross all JMMC application.
- User's query settings are now automatically provided (to developpers only) in feedback reports.
- Renamed proxy script.
- Enhanced spectral type decoding.
- Enhanced all numerical precisions on scientific computations.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed missing Interop menu.
- Handled Simbad errors (no feedback report) and RA / DEC validation.
- Fixed long delay required to get the main window on machines with frozen printing system.
- Fixed exception handling and timeouts on query canceling.
- Fixed concurrency issues with Swing EDT.
Version 4.3
Tue, 15 Mar 2011 16:47:28 GMT
- Features:
- Enhanced SAMP support to either export selected calibrators or all visible ones if none specifically selected.
- Added found and filtered calibrator counts.
- Added details on communication error messages.
- Added support for SAMP calibrator export and query launch.
- Changes:
- Changed communication channel (now through HTTP standard port 80) to better support networks tightly filtered on output.
- Removed deprecated "B-V<1" filter on bright K requests.
- Increased default VM allocated memory to overcome some crashes on huge requests.
- Bug fixes:
- Significantly increased performance on UD diameters computation to circumvent a timeout during large queries.
- Fixed a querying crash when science object magnitude is missing.
- Fixed wrong available magnitude bands for faint scenario.
- Fixed a rare table sorting bug causing a "-1" exception when encountering untrimed white spaces in column order preferences.
- Properly quit application when clicking on the close button of the main window.
Version 4.2
Thu, 23 Sep 2010 17:51:24 GMT
- Features:
- Added support for embedded cell URLs when available (HD, HIP, 2MASS, SBC9, WDS).
- Added support for column header tooltips and units.
- Added orbit separations sep1 and sep2 from WDS in detailled views.
- Added UD computed diameters.
- Added WDS double star filtering on separation.
- Added human-readable catalog name in progress bar, when available.
- Changes:
- Renamed VFlag column to BinFlag in bright N detailled view.
- Updated Multiplicity filter to check BinFlag state instead of the Variability filter.
- Updated WDS filtering to use sep1 and sep2 (reject when either sewparation below 2 arcseconds).
- Harmonized catalogs legend colors and order.
- Changed output format for values read from catalog to maximum precision.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed Min. and Max. Magnitude textfields to automatically follow Science Object Magnitude changes.
- Fixed Variability Flags dispatch in dedicated columns by changin MIDI extracted VFlag UCD from 'CODE_VARIAB' to 'CODE_VARIAB_MIDI'.
- Hardened CDS Simbad science star resolution mecanisms while failing.
Version 4.1.2
Thu, 10 Dec 2009 14:46:56 GMT
- Features:
- Added white spaces as a valid separator for science object coordinates input.
- Revamped simple/detailed results view settings to add "full results" support.
- Changes:
- Updated acknowledgment to include involved laboratory's names.
- Replaced custom SIMBAD resolution system with common JMMC one.
- Removed legacy "Query : Get Star" menu item.
- Enhanced numerical precision throughout all computed values (especially errors).
- Enhanced HTML exports.
- Added easily readable catalog names in cell tooltips, legend view and legend preference pane.
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed unit conversion problem while filtering stars on RA separation.
- Change science object star detection distance from 0.01 degrees to 1 arcsecond.
- Corrected Spectral Type filter to ignore 'SB' as 'S' and 'B' spectral type tokens.
Version 4.1.1
Fri, 28 Aug 2009 13:58:27 GMT
- Changes:
- Re-ordered default columns in detailled views.
- Bug fixes:
- Corrected a bug that prevented I, J and H bands to be used.
- Changed 'VarFlag3' column for 'VFlag' column in the detailled bright N column set.
Version 4.1
Wed, 13 May 2009 14:45:42 GMT
- Features:
- Added spectral binary detection (from SBC9 catalog, with Multiplicity filter).
- Added desktop application creation from JNLP.
- Added automatic opening of '.scvot' files.
- Added a Help menu item to open SearchCal hot news RSS feed.
- Changes:
- Removed all references to unused CHARM catalog.
- Removed all references to unused CHARM catalog.
- Bug fixes:
- Enforce use of the default Apple menu bar on Mac OS X.
- Prevent file overwritting while saving or exporting data.
Version 4.0.1
Wed, 13 May 2009 14:45:42 GMT
- Features:
- Added a new application icon.
- Added user manual.
- Changes:
- Changed HD and HIP cells tooltips to make explicit reference to SIMBAD.
- Removed unused query preference pane.
- Bug fixes:
- Corrected diameter columns in simple bright view for N band.
- Corrected visibility column in detailled bright view for N band.
- Added missing F12 column in simple bright view for N band.
- Corrected CSV and HTML export.
- Workaround a known Java 1.5.0_16 bug that prevented the load of user manual.
Version 4.0
Mon, 27 Oct 2008 16:46:27 GMT
- Changes:
- Complete rewrite of our client as a full-featured desktop-class Java application.
- Our server is now wrapped and available as a VO-compliant webservice.