Version 25.03
Tue, 18 Mar 2025 21:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved warning messages with statistics on computed flux weights per component (black-body variants)
- Fixed the flux normalization used by noise modelling for all analytical models
- Support analytical chromatic models
i.e. black-body variants (_BB) for disk, ring and gaussian components
- Updated GetStar 6 url to be used by Aspro2 beta
- Changes:
- Fixed the config checksum to avoid configuration warning message on startup
Version 24.09.1
Thu, 03 Oct 2024 12:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added GetStar action to the main panel and Edit menu
- Updated SearchCal / GetStar information retrieval (G flux, IDS)
- Bug fixes:
- Checked potential numerical precision issues in Complex.getArgument()
- Fixed annoying reset of target's H.A. constraints when the target editor is used.
Version 24.09
Thu, 12 Sep 2024 16:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added link to the aspro-conf and aspro-conf-contrib repositories in the 'Configuration Manager'
- Made the 'Configuration Manager' available in all ASPRO2 versions
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed the model description of ring models (external diameter)
Version 24.06
Thu, 23 May 2024 16:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved the UV Coverage panel to handle U-axis orientation (East towards Right or Left) based on a new user preference
- Improved UV Coverage panel to have a new live mode 'now' to only show 1 data point at the current time (UV track)
and generate only this data displayed in the OIFits viewer. It changes automatically HA restrictions for the current target.
- Removed deprecated ExportOB code (CHARA VEGA, VLTI P2PP)
Version 24.03.1
Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Updated aspro configuration with VLTI Period 114
Version 24.03
Thu, 07 Mar 2024 16:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Only export SCIENCE OIFITS (not GRAVITY_FT) to make OIFits viewer plots more readable
- Only display AO/FT target selectors in the UV Coverage panel when the science object has associated ancillary stars
- Added AO/FT target selectors in the UV Coverage panel to select among available ancillary stars or the science object
- Updated noise parameters for VLTI Adaptive Optics systems
- Implemented the Strehl Isoplanetism error (VLTI AO only) taking into account the turburlence layer's height (h0),
atmospheric conditions (ESO seeing & tau0 constraints) and distances between the AO target and interferometric targets (GRAVITY FT or SCI).
This implementation is made in collaboration with Dr. Anthony Berdeu, LESIA, ObsPM, whose project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004719.
- Implemented preliminary support for GPAO NGS (Natural Guide Star) coming on sky during Summer 2024
- Rewritten detector saturation handling for both GRAVITY FT & GRAVITY instruments to use discrete DIT values
- Fixed noise equations for GRAVITY_FT
- Implemented GRAVITY's background noise & transmission model (FT & SCI detectors)
- Implemented the GRAVITY FT bootstrapping for baselines (triangle method)
- Implemented the visibility loss for off-axis fringe tracking (GRAVITY FT)
- Improved warning messages with computed stats on SNR (FT, SCI)
- Major rewriting of the OIFits generator to handle two simulated OIFITS (FT + SCI)
for GRAVITY FT (compute SNR_FT & variance on OPD) used to determine the visibility loss on the science detector (GRAVITY or MATISSE)
in collaboration with Dr. Taro Shimizu, MPE
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed lost text field edits in the Target Editor when changing selection (list or tree)
Version 23.09.1
Thu, 14 Sep 2023 14:00:00 GMT
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed target configuration updates (AO setup & FT mode) when the selected target changes
Version 23.09
Mon, 11 Sep 2023 16:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved OIFITS generator to fill OI_FLUX tables with photon counts corresponding to the object flux
- Improved noise modeling to correct the object flux (mag/jy) with the total flux values given by user-defined models (FITS cube)
- Improved Telescope FOV information (range + corresponding wavelengths) in the Target editor
- Fixed MATISSE spatial filter parameters (apodization)
- Added new preferences to enable or disable Fits cube interpolation (true by default) or extrapolation (false by default) for performance reasons
- Implemented both wavelength interpolation and extrapolation of user-defined models (FITS cube)
- Improved Target Model editor and OIFits simulator to check analytical models
if any (distance) parameter value exceeds 20% of the Telescope Fov and report the warning:
'The model extension on target ... is potentially partly outside the telescope FOV'
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed compression support for the PNG encoder (java 8)
- Fixed user model support for RADMC3D FITS cubes using unit = hertz (CUNIT3)
Version 23.06
Wed, 07 June 2023 21:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved Target Model editor to simplify the User model interface and added more contextual information (max pixel size & Telescope Fov)
- Improved scaling of exported plots as image/pdf with hi-dpi settings
- OIFitsExplorer: Updated U-V coverage plot presets
- OIFitsExplorer: improved 'UV coverage' plot to be displayed as a squared plot
- Enhanced plot settings for high-dpi screens
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed OIFits table browser when OIData table arrays have wrong dimensions (< 1)
- Updated embedded OIFitsExplorer and OITools libraries
Version 23.03
Mon, 06 Mar 2023 20:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Update CHARA and VLTI configurations
- Added double-path support for VLTI delay lines (Extended baselines with AT4 on J6 station)
- Changes:
- Changed the default value for the UV Coverage's Model image to SQUARE (visibility)
Version 22.12
Thu, 15 Dec 2022 10:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added new Targets table: show all properties (sortable)
- Improved best PoPs algorithm to consider ALL or SELECTED targets according to the added combo box in the main setting panel
- Improved observability plot to use the color of the first target group for calibrators too
- Add target extra informations in OBXML export
- Changes:
- Changed the default value for the Observability checkbox 'Scroll view' to false: all observations are displayed
- Deprecated ExportOB actions: please use the JMMC a2p2 tool for a better interoperability with ESO/P2
Version 22.09
Fri, 09 Sep 2022 14:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added the SearchFTT action in the 'Target editor' to open the JMMC SearchFTT web page to find off-axis fringe tracking targets (GRAVITY Wide)
- Improved target's tooltips to show LMN fluxes in jansky (according to user preferences)
- Bug fixes:
- Improved memory footprint of loaded user models (OOME) to keep only needed data in memory (selected target)
- Improved memory footprint of past observations data (string deduplication)
- Fixed possible hang in the Target Editor / Groups due to asynchronous tree events
Version 22.04
Fri, 15 Apr 2022 17:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added (advanced) user configuration support to dynamically load interferometer configuration files at startup
and manage these files in the 'Configuration Manager' window (load, reload, remove, enable/disable)
- Improved visualisation of FITS image cubes (user model) in the Target Editor to use both consistent flux range & FoV
- Rewritten user model animator widget to let the slider navigate among images or 'Auto' to cycle among them automatically
Version 22.03
Fri, 11 Mar 2022 16:30:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved tooltips on the observability plot to display angular distances on science objects to calibrator and ancillary stars (AO, FT, GS)
- Improved tooltips in Target Editor's navigation trees to display angular distances on calibrator and ancillary stars (AO, FT, GS) to their science object
- Added new CHARA fixed PoPs widgets to define PoPs associated to stations ('-' means any Pop value [1-5])
- Improved displayed CHARA Current & Fixed PoPs to use the station order given by the 6T configuration (MIRCX)
- Added new CHARA PoPs actions 'set' & 'clear' respectively to set PoPs with the current best PoPs value
and reset the fixed PoPs ([Auto] = any Pop value)
- Improved CHARA PoPs field [Manual] to handle the wildcard digit '8' corresponding to any Pop value [1-5]
- Improved chart titles to display the full CHARA configuration as 'SS(n)-...'
where 'SS' indicates the station and 'n' the Pop value associuated to the corresponding station;
for example: 'CHARA 2022B - MIRCX-MYSTIC - E1(1)-W2(5)-W1(1)-S2(5)-S1(5)-E2(3)'
- Updated CHARA MIRCX-MYSTIC instrument to provide new instrument modes (K band)
- Improved loading observation files (asprox) to fix former instrument references (CHARA simplified instruments)
- Added SAMP 'load.fits.image' handler by opening the Target editor and associating the given model file to the current target (AMHRA)
- Improved TargetEditor to handle SAMP interoperability (target merged with the editor state)
- Added support for multiple calibrators in OB sent to the A2p2 tool
- Enhance SAMP interoperability (VO table) : support analytical models
- Improved the main setting panel to update the PoPs combo box plot for baseline limits and reset best PoPs if the configuration changes
- Improved observability plot for baseline limits to support multiple configurations and report information and warning messages (CHARA PoPs)
- Improved observability plot with large lists (increased bar width and disabled bar outline)
- Enhanced best PoPs algorithm to display more combinations for comparison and for large lists, retain more solutions (with less targets)
- Improved the observation log table to preserve table column order (preference) and select visible columns by clicking in the bottom right corner's button
- Enhanced VOTable handling to handle target description (ucd=meta.note) and improve NIGHT param reading (boolean or char datatype)
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed findInstrumentConfigurationStations() to avoid too much permutations (max=6 and check numberChannelsMin/Max)
- Fixed UV plot's boundary issue related to unobservable target (axis length = 0)
- Fixed SAMP interoperability (VO table): disable XSLT secure processing
Version 21.09
Wed, 08 Sep 2021 09:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added SAMP interoperability with JMMC GetStar (VO table)
- CHARA: added a new warning indicating observable targets with high elevation (higher than 85 deg)
- CHARA: improved the observability plot to display high elevation ranges like HA constraints, moon avoidance and wind restriction (translucent area and dotted outline)
- Added new ruler to measure both distance and angle on any FITS image
- Added Scientific Color Maps (v7)
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed scrollbars / split panes on small screens (layout issues)
- Fixed tooltips (transit) on the observability plot
- CHARA: Always use Pop 5 for the W2 telescope
- Fixed image flux normalization with fast mode enabled
Version 21.06
Sun, 13 Jun 2021 15:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Discarded calibration bias sampling for MATISSE
- Set 'Use inst. & cal. error bias' disabled by default
- Improved wavelength restrictions (MATISSE_LM / SPICA):
new wavelength editor in the UV Coverage panel to define properly the reference wavelength (high resolution).
The spectral bandwith depends on the instrument mode and the fringe tracker mode
- Added information (FT, atm, dit, fluxes in jansky) in OB sent to the A2p2 tool (Aspro to ESO p2)
- Added a new tabbed pane 'Observation plan' to display observations and targets as an unified table. General & global filters are coming...
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed the command line tool to compute interferometric observables
from an OIFITS file (dataset) and an user model image cube (FITS) to properly handle OIWavelength tables
(MATISSE OIWavelength tables are reversed ordered)
- Fixed small screens support (1024x768)
- Fixed L/M magnitudes sent to SearchCal
Version 21.03
Wed, 17 Mar 2021 10:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved MATISSE ETC to use its specific correlated flux error estimator for phases (VISPHI, T3PHI)
- Improved Target Editor to edit L / M / N fluxes in jansky by default (automatic conversion from / to ASPRO2 magnitudes)
- Set 'Use inst. & cal. error bias' enabled by default
- Improved handling of instrument and calibration biases for MATISSE (VISAMP, VISPHI, T3PHI)
- Improved OIFITS generation to generate noisy observables when instrument and calibration biases are enabled (V2, VISPHI, T3PHI)
- Improved OIFITS generation to add theoretical model values and errors in NS_MODEL_ columns (OI-Interface); these new columns and residuals are available in the OIFits viewer
- Improved OIFITS data simulation to have proper residuals and removed a bias on random VIS2 at low SNR
- Added a new observability filter 'Show groups' to only show targets belonging to the selected target user groups
- Enable observability filters 'Show groups' and 'Hide unobservable' by default
- Increased maximum number of imported targets to 10,000 (large survey)
- Updated SearchCal / GetStar integration to get more target information
- Enhanced VOTable handling (import / export) to exchange more target information (groups, extra columns)
- Bug fixes:
- Enhanced OIFits export actions (file or SAMP) to merge OIFits files when multiple configurations are selected (better OImaging integration)
- Fixed retrieved fields from JMMC ObsPortal (smaller band width)
Version 20.05
Mon, 18 May 2020 09:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Fixed OIFITS OI_VIS computation for the DEMO instruments (pure theoretical visibilities)
- Added a progress bar and a cancel button in the status bar when querying the JMMC ObsPortal
- Improved tooltips for raw observations
- Get weather conditions (tau0, temp, seeing) from JMMC ObsPortal, displayed in the table view and tooltips
- Bug fixes:
- Added a new user-defined Preference 'SNR threshold (V2)' to flag out low SNR values (OIFITS)
- Fixed exceptions occuring in the Target Editor when the last target is deleted
Version 20.03
Wed, 26 Feb 2020 14:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved GUI to display and filter observation logs (auto-hide)
- Improved handling of observation logs from JMMC ObsPortal: table view, grouping exposures
- Improved GUI handling of previously selected Configuration(s) when changing the interferometer Period
(automatically select the configuration having the same stations even if the order changed)
- Added new action 'Edit/Query raw Observations' to retrieve observation logs from JMMC ObsPortal (ESO archive)
- Updated OIFITS generation to support differential visibilities for GRAVITY, MATISSE, SPICA instruments
- Updated embedded OIFits explorer (improved plot editor)
- Bug fixes:
- Improved action 'Import targets from an observation' to preserve ancillary stars (FT, AO, Guide star groups)
Version 19.09
Wed, 11 Sep 2019 13:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added tooltip in the UV Coverage panel on the 'atmosphere quality' combo box
- Fixed noise modelling for MATISSE LM & N
- Added the G magnitude in Simbad resolver and Target Editor, used by AO if missing R mag (NAOMI)
- Improved observability plot to support the new 'Hide ancillary stars' filter (any FT, AO, Guide star)
- Improved observability plot to use the color of the first target group (if any) as shown in the legend
- Improved tooltips on targets to always indicate target groups and show target notes
- Optimized startup of the command line tool to compute interferometric observables
- Added user preferences for Fast mode error (1% by default) and Apodization in the Preferences panel
- Optimized apodization of user model images (performance and concurrency issues)
- Added apodization of user model images according to telescope diameter and min instrument wavelength
- Added actions in the 'Edit' menu and in the 'Target Editor' to update target(s) with latest Simbad information;
added an auto-update check when loading an asprox file to propose the update of all targets
- Bug fixes:
- Use proper geocentric positions for stations and array center in OI_ARRAY (FITS)
Mon, 11 Mar 2019 17:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added a tooltip on interferometer configurations to indicate alternative names (VLTI small/medium/large...)
- Added a deprecation message when using the Export OB action in favor to promote A2p2 usage
- Updated GRAVITY OB template (ESO P103)
- Added handling ancillary FT / AO targets in the noise modelling according to new target associations (see Target Group Editor)
- Fixed AO setup handling for former tip-tilt systems
- Added AO setup combo box in the UV Coverage panel
to select the Adaptive Optics system best suited to observe the science target
- Improved Strehl estimation for VLTI AO systems (MACAO, STRAP, CIAO, NAOMI)
- Improved manual PoPs handling to preserve compatible PoP set for same telescopes (MIRC 6T to 5T/4T)
- Added link to the AMHRA web portal on the Target Model Editor
- Always check the max UV needed against the selected base lines and instrument mode when validating user models
- Bug fixes:
- Minor GUI fixes to properly capture screen shots (documentation)
- Fixed a GUI layout bug in the top right panel (varying compass size)
- Fixed URL of the CDS Photometry viewer in the Target editor
- OIFits computation: ensure flagging data if any observable quantity is NaN
- Fixed FFT processing (subsize < rotated size)
Tue, 11 Sep 2018 14:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added new information messages for MATISSE (DIT, wavelength restrictions)
- Always use the instrument default value for the Total Integration Time on the UV Coverage Panel
- Added MATISSE for ESO Period 103 (offered modes & noise parameters)
- Added scale / rotation fields in the 'Target Editor' to adjust user models (FITS images):
these optional fields are taken into account in the Fits image viewer, UV Coverage panel and OIFits viewer (GUI) and by the command line tool
- Added 'Mag conv.' action in the Target Editor to open the Magnitude to Flux converter (Jy to mag), useful for MATISSE fluxes
- Added GetStar action in the Target Editor to open the GetStar web page for the current target
- Added support of target groups (OB, user) & their target associations (OB) in the Target Editor
- Restored old approach to estimate V2 / T3 error and noisy data when SNR < 3: numerical approach (sampling) does not work in such degenerated cases,
so the theoretical error are used instead (added noise to V2 / T3 data is uncorrelated)
- Added SAMP interoperability to export / import 'targets from an observation' between ASPRO instances
- Added tooltips on all target lists and trees
- Added action 'Import targets from an observation' (File menu) to import targets from another observation file (asprox) with their models and calibrator associations
- Bug fixes:
- Increased font & icon size for the Status indicator
- Fixed application startup on Windows with JDK > 9
- Fixed OIFits data flagging when SNR < to use only the theoretical SNR on squared visibility
- Fixed missing band U in the noise modelling
Tue, 06 Mar 2018 16:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved Java support (9 + mac OS X) but Java 7 minimum is now required
- Improved Noise modelling: use the appropriate object magnitude for every spectral channel (notably for JHK or LMN instruments)
- Improved Noise modelling for MATISSE: minor changes to noise parameter computation (number of pixel per channel)
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed exception in the model image mapping to the instrument wavelengths (no image found in the spectral channel)
- Fixed SNR (V2, VIS/T3 PHI) computation to use final estimated values and errors
Mon, 11 Sep 2017 12:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added a new command line tool to compute interferometric observables
from an OIFITS file and an user model image (FITS) (noise modelling disabled).
Launch the command: java -jar aspro2-xxx.jar -process -input INPUT_OIFITS_FILE -image IMAGE_FITS_FILE -output OUTPUT_OIFITS_FILE
- Updated to OITools 2 (OIFITS 2 support) but ASPRO2 writes only OIFITS 1 files
- Added the preliminary support for the A2p2 tool (Aspro to ESO p2):
new actions 'Export to an Observing Block (XML)' and 'Send Obs. block(s) to A2p2' (SAMP)
- Set V2 values to theoretical V2 when the checkbox 'Add error noise to data' is disabled
- Updated GRAVITY OB template (ESO P99)
- Improved SearchCal integration: corrected the max baseline parameter and retrieve [BRLM] magnitudes + object types
- Bug fixes:
- Improved V2 bias estimation from noise parameters
- Fixed the incorrectly displayed wavelength in the Target Model Editor for FITS cubes
Fri, 10 Mar 2017 12:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added a Notebook panel to write the observation description (log)
- Improved color attribution in plots for baselines and configurations to be consistent across Aspro2 and OIFitsExplorer
- Improved the Preference GUI for the color table (LUT preview image)
- Added a new 'color palette' preference to customize the colors used in plots;
it supports an user-defined color palette (RGB triplets or hexadecimal values read from a local file)
- Added preference 'Bypass GUI restrictions' to enable / disable Gui limitations on the main fields (PIVOT / VEGA interoperability)
- Added a status tooltip giving the (initial) loaded observation setup: interferometer instrument configuration PoPs
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed the OIFits computation for the DEMO interferometer
- Disable the noise modelling for the DEMO interferometer
- Fixed the color attribution for multiple configuration with CHARA instruments
- Fixed the target matching tests when adding/importing targets to compare all Simbad identifiers when targets are within 5 arcsec (cross-match)
- Allow the target name modification in the Target Editor
(only when the target is not referenced as calibrator and has no calibrator yet)
- Fixed numeric format for duration fields in the UV Coverage panel
Mon, 05 Sep 2016 14:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Added action Sort by declination in the target editor
- Fixed polarization modes in the GRAVITY OB generation
- Updated Noise modelling to use interferometric / photometric fractions for thermal background photons (MATISSE)
- Modified low SNR threshold (= 3) to flag automatically OIFITS data
- Fixed GRAVITY OB generation (tested with P2PP)
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed VISPHI / T3PHI sampling to compute first the mean angle [compute sum(cos) and sum(sin)] and then the variance as the squared distance [0..180]
- Fixed Noise modelling to generate the random sample index per HA point for noisy data
to ensure consistency between VIS, VIS2, T3 samples
Version 0.9.9
Thu, 10 Mar 2016 10:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Upgraded the OIFits viewer: improved editable axis bounds, added plot information (data ranges...)
- Added OIFits warning checks (missing magnitude)
to show a confirmation dialog when exporting either an OIFits file (including SAMP interoperability) or an OIFits viewer plot
- Added a warning label displayed on the OIFits viewer plot
indicating that the noise modelling is not working due to missing magnitude(s)
- Added warning messages into the status log accessible
via the status toolbar (click on the icon)
- Added action 'Export plot to PNG' in the File menu
- Added GRAVITY OB generation (preliminary)
- Updated VLTI telescope shadowing profiles according to ESO new "theoretical" master tables for VLTI horizons
- Added the mean atmosphere transmission (PARANAL) used by the Noise modelling
- Added the Hertz unit support (hz, khz, mhz, ghz) for the wavelength keywords in user models
- Improved Noise modelling and its configuration for MATISSE
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed bad box size of the interferometer map for single dishes
- Fixed a caret issue with the date spinner widget (mac os)
Tue, 15 Oct 2015 15:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Fixed the model image orientation
(astronomical convention): East is towards the left
- Added East and North indications
on the user model viewer in the target editor panel
- Added East and North indications
on the UV Coverage plot (astronomical convention)
Tue, 13 Oct 2015 15:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved linux web browser support to use the [Default System Browser]
customizable in the Preferences panel
- Added [B,R,L,M] magnitudes in the target editor; only B and R mags may be retrieved from the CDS Simbad service
- Added the SED button in the target editor to open the CDS Photometry viewer for the current target
- Improved drag and drop support to associate multiple calibrators to a science target in the target editor
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed horizon checks for CHARA (azimuth reference is North)
- Fixed night restrictions (including twilights) and moon illumination arround pole (DEMO)
Version 0.9.8
Tue, 08 Sep 2015 14:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved VLTI Observing block (OB) export to reduce observability ranges by 2 minutes on each side (LST constraints)
and skip observability ranges smaller than 10 minutes
- Improved the noise modelling to compute the strehl ratio per spectral channel
and taking into account the target elevation (r0)
- Improved tooltip in the UV Coverage panel to add air mass, azimuth and elevation for each sampled UV point
- Added tooltip on the date field: 'the given date is used to determine the coming night at the observatory in the [DD; DD+1] range.
for example, '2014/4/4' corresponds to the night between April 4th and 5th'
- Added a marker at midnight (Local time) in
the Observability panel indicating the appropriate date range [DD; DD+1] corresponding to the current night
- Added Local time support in
the Observability, UV Coverage and Preferences panels. It provides the local time at the observatory
(timezone including Daylight Saving Time)
Thu, 09 Jul 2015 16:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved Observing block (OB) export to generate a concatenation container (CON_ prefix) gathering SCI and CAL OBs
to simplify the import in P2PP
- Fixed Observing block (OB) file names (limited to 64 characters)
- Updated Observing block (OB) export to discard the absolute time constraint
- Updated Observing block (OB) export for PIONIER P96
Tue, 17 Mar 2015 12:00:00 GMT
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed OIFITS generation (AMBER mode High_K_1_2.288) due to inconsistent wavelength arrays (rounding issue)
- Fixed OIFITS generation to ignore wavelength increment = 0.0
Version 0.9.7
Tue, 03 Mar 2015 10:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- New public release for ESO Period 96
- Added support for multiple interferometer switchyards; every interferometer configuration (VLTI Period) specifies the switchyard to use
- Added support for instrument aliases newly added in the Aspro configuration
Version 0.9.6
Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved selection handling and tracking on the observability plot:
click on any observability range to change globally the selected target (highlighted)
- Added the 'Show related' option on the observability plot (enabled by default)
to always show selected target and its calibrators (not filtered)
- Improved display of the selected target for unobservable ranges (soft limits) on the observability plot (translucent gradient)
- Added a star resolver field in the target editor to enter new target(s) while editing your targets and calibrators
- Added actions 'Import targets from VOTable' / 'Export targets to VOTable' in the File menu
and 'Send targets as VOTable' to share your targets (and calibrators) through the SAMP VO protocol (aladin for finding charts)
- Properly detect observation changes
before showing the confirmation dialog 'Do you want to save changes... ?' (New, Load and Exit actions)
- Added the multiple selection support to the target list to remove multiple targets at once
- Improved Star resolver: support multiple identifiers (or coordinates) separated by ';',
improved copy/paste to replace the new line character by ';',
cancellation support: click on the [x] button to interrupt the SIMBAD query,
better error handling: report ambiguous matches (more than 1 object per identifier),
use HTTP POST with SIMBAD script interface (large queries),
better timeout settings (3s for connection)
- Added tooltips for baseline limits on the Observability plot
- Enhanced mouse wheel support on the Observability plot to zoom in/out when the scroll bar is disabled
- Added tooltips on unobservable ranges (soft or vcm limits) on the Observability plot
- Improved the memory footprint for observability computations
- Improved the memory footprint for user models (fits cubes): efficient checksum computation
and optimized memory used by model image / FFT computations
- Improved quick sort used by the Best PoPs algorithm
- Added the 'use inst. & cal. error bias' checkbox on the UV coverage panel to enable or disable
using instrumental visibility / phase & calibration bias in noise modelling (OIFits data);
if disabled, only the theoretical instrumental noise is estimated
- Added proper handling of the VLTI VCM pressure constraint on the Observability plot using transparent overlays representing 2.5, 2.75 and 3.0 bar.
It only indicates that the pupil may be not well corrected (flux / FoV loss); see Observability "Details" for more information
- Added a new warning indicating that the VLTI VCM pressure is higher than 2.5 bar
- Improved the interferometer configuration to associate a delay line and a channel to each station and describe VLTI setup more accurately (switchyard)
- Modified position editor (rho / theta) to use astronomical convention (separation / position angle)
- Changes:
- Improved OutOfMemoryError handling to display first explanations in the Feedback report
and then only indicate them in the status bar (more than 3 errors).
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed incorrect VOTable URL for incoming SAMP 'load.votable' messages
- Fix the uv axis scale (meters) on the UV Coverage plot
- Fixed Noise modeling: visibility and calibration bias (percents) are interpreted as peak to peak values (4 sigma):
minimal vis2 error is divided by 4 and the vis2 dispersion (with added error noise) is compatible with bias values
- Fixed the Moon illumination fraction (FLI) according to the coming night
Thu, 12 Sep 2013 12:00:00 GMT
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed macOS Java 1.6.0_51 AWT issues (EDT deadlocks) concerning About and Quit actions in the application menu
Version 0.9.5
Fri, 06 Sep 2013 16:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Updated CHARA VEGA setup
- Added VLTI Period 93
- Added NPOI interferometer (preliminary)
- Added 'live' time annotations on the UV Coverage plot to see current UV points (useful during real observations)
- Added tooltips on the UV Coverage plot (configuration, baseline, time, HA, radius and position angle)
- Updated embedded OIFits explorer to use customizable plot
- Added OIFits Explorer interoperability (or topcat) i.e. send OIFits data files to any VO Tools supporting FITS files
- Improved model image of the phase using cyclic LUT
- Modified color palette used in interferometer map and UV Coverage plot to use transparency (75% opacity)
- Improved UV Coverage plot to draw outlines arround UV segments and tracks (shadows)
- Added LUT aspro-isophot (new default one) which draws white lines every 10%
- Improved performance related to clipping / zoom issues with dotted outline (optional constraints)
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed macos Java 1.7.0_25 issue related to the Preference window (eAWT)
- Fixed exception occuring when changing CHARA instrument and the PoPs text field is not empty
- Improved HA sampling to start at the beginning of each observability intervals and
ensure integration time is within the observability range
- Enhanced tooltip management to hide any displayed tooltip when user changes something to avoid misunderstanding
- Fixed the symbol [i] badly displayed depending on platform and font settings
Version 0.9.4
Tue, 05 Mar 2013 09:15:00 GMT
- Features:
- Improved OIFits computation to check user model vs instrument spectral configuration, detect sub sampling and show warning messages
- Added a minimal plot editor on the OIFits viewer to choose among predefined plots
- Added the instrument spectral configuration in the status information to help creating polychromatic user models
- Defined default preference of the super sampling in spectral channels to 3 samples to see bandwidth smearing effects
- Added preferences in the Preference view (add error noise to data or model image, super sampling in spectral channels)
- Added minimal user model animator widget (FITS cube) on the Target Model editor and the UV coverage panel
to enable / disable automatic image cycling and adjust the period
- Modified OIFits OI_VIS, OI_VIS2, OI_T3 tables to reference appropriate stations in STA_INDEX arrays (baseline or triplets)
- Modified OIFits OI_ARRAY table to contain all telescope stations
- Modified OIFits ARRNAME values to have the interferometer name only (VLTI, not VLTI Period ...)
- Modified OIFits INSNAME values to have a meaningfull instrument mode description: Instrument_lambdaFirst-lambdaLast-Nch;
lambdaFirst, lambdaLast, N are respectively the wavelength of the first and last spectral channels, the number of spectral channels
(for example: AMBER_1.48347-2.52552-37ch)
- Modified evaluation of moon avoidance rules to use target fluxes (V)
- Added configuration integrity checks (checksum): if file(s) modified then show a warning message at startup
and also in the JMMC legal notice on plots (Use at your own risks)
- Added action 'Configuration Release Notes' in the Help menu
- Enhanced the target axis on the observability plot to adjust its font size according to the number of visible items (auto fit)
- Added a 'Find' feature (Previous / Next) to select a target in the target list by pattern matching on its name
- Added filters on the observability plot (Hide calibrators and unobservable targets)
- Added target selection handling in the observability plot to display it highlighted and scroll to it
- Enhanced export Observability plot to a multiple page PDF document for large target lists when the scroll view option is enabled
- Extracted configuration (interferometers and their instruments) into the AsproConfig module to have an independent life cycle (CfP)
- Improved OIFits computation to interpret and use multiple model images (Fits cube) when computing complex visiblities
- Improved OIFits computation to perform super sampling in spectral channels: use multiples samples and perform integration
- Improved Fits image panel to display all images loaded (animation) with their image index and wavelength in the legend area
- Added Polychromatic user model support as Fits cube: AXIS3 represents the wavelength axis;
CRVAL3 (with CRPIX3) gives the wavelength reference, CDELT3 the wavelength increment and CUNIT3 the wavelength unit
- Added minimal Fits CUNIT keyword support to handle angle and wavelength conversions (deg, arcsec to rad) and (nm or micron to meter)
- Enabled parallelization of the observability computation in multi configuration mode
- Enhanced parallelization of the Best PoPs algorithm
- Fixed the color scale on UV coverage plot to use degrees instead of radians when representing the model phase
- Changed Observability plot to show HA constraints, moon avoidance and wind restriction using translucent area and dotted outline
- Added the symbol [i] after target names on the observability plot to indicate that
this target has user notes and show its content in the observability tooltip
- Added HA constraints (per target) in the observability computation displayed using translucent area and dotted outline
- Added a combo box in the main settings to see estimated best PoPs combinations and their effect on observability
- Enhanced the Best PoPs algorithm to take new rules into account (transit distance and HA constraints);
it is based on a normal law estimator that allows more control (gaussian variance and average estimation versus min estimation)
- Made the color scale on UV coverage plot interactive to show only effective data range (even when zooming in/out)
- Added preferences for night only and best PoPs algorithms (Simple, Transit or HALimits)
- Added an 'Open Recent' menu
- Updated chart theme to have uniform charts: white background and light gray grid lines (printer friendly)
- Changes:
- Improved the look and feel of the release notes windows (application and configuration)
- Improved global performance (Best PoPs, model image, astronomical computations) using Java Fast Math library (jafama 2.0)
- Reduced margins (0.5 cm) on exported PDF documents
- Modified warning messages (CHARA configuration and PoPs settings) considered as information messages:
status is then 'Information'
- Minor changes to the main setting panel: 'Target editor' renamed 'Editor' and margins made smaller
- Optimized OIFits computation from an user model (better parallelism)
- Fixed OIFits viewer compatiblity with OpenJDK 1.6.24 and 1.7.x
- Improved PoPs GUI ie improved synchronization between PoPs text field and Best PoPs combo box
- Reduced memory footprint used by Best PoPs algorithms
- Optimized Best PoPs algorithm (multithreading)
- Use a jpg icon instead of the previous png one to work arround a known bug onto macos/java7
- Bug fixes:
- Added a distance check before adding a new target to the target list
to avoid duplicates (within 5 arcsec) and solve identifier issues
- Added the 'delete target' action in the target editor too
- Fixed NPE exception in Best PoPs algorithm when targets never rise
Version 0.9.3
Wed, 31 Oct 2012 13:00:00 GMT
- Features:
- Fixed Red filter = 2.0 for the CHARA VEGA spectral calibration OB (R2720)
- Updated CHARA VEGA spectral configuration due to new detector setup (OB / StarList export)
- Changes:
- Optimized visAmp/visPhi error computation for experimental instruments (GRAVITY, MATISSE) (multithreading)
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed Export to OIFits file(s) when the spectral type is undefined (null string values)
- Fixed incorrect time indicated in moon avoidance warning message
Version 0.9.2
Thu, 20 Sep 2012 15:09:59 GMT
- Features:
- Enhanced OIFits viewer to use the configuration color mapping in multi configuration mode or the wavelength color mapping in single configuration mode
- Added new Simbad mirrors using IP addresses in the star resolver to solve DNS problems
- Fixed Observing block (OB) format to be compatible with ESO P2PP v3.3.1 (P2PP v2.x is no more supported)
- Added VLTI configuration for ESO Period 91 (idem ESO Period 90)
- Enhanced OIFits viewer to plot multiple OIFits files i.e. simulated data in multi configuration mode
- Export all OIFits files in multi configuration
(one file per configuration : no merged OIFits)
- Fixed SUSI station positions, baselines (North - South) and delay line maximum throw
- Added preliminary support for the Sydney University Stellar Interferometer (SUSI) with PAVO instrument (2T)
- Enhanced JSkyCalc interoperability to provide complete target list as an object list
that are all plotted on the sky display and airmass plots
- Added sky button on the main panel to open JSkyCalc which provides sky display (moon, planets),
airmass plots and many other features for the current target and date
- Added preliminary MATISSE instrument to VLTI Future Period
- Added pointing restrictions due to the Moon when night restrictions are enabled to find nights without any problem.
A warning message gives the minimum angular separation and its corresponding time; use Details on the Observability plot to see its impact
- Added VLTI Moon restrictions: For UTs (separation > 5 deg or FLI > 70% and separation > 30 deg) and
for ATs (separation > 5 deg or FLI > 85% and separation > 20 deg). Note: no constraint on V flux for ATs !
- Added CHARA Moon restrictions: separation > 5 deg
- Added optional VLTI pointing restrictions due to the wind direction (compass) when night restrictions are enabled;
use Details on the Observability plot to see its impact
- Added calibrators in VOTable format (SAMP) to indicate calibrators per science target (PIVOT)
- Updated CHARA VEGA noise parameters to have better real error estimates (V band)
- Added closure phases (OI_T3) below Vis2 plot
- Several Vis2 plot enhancements: always show zero for radius axis, crosshair and performance
- Changes:
- Fixed JSkyCalc window layouts on mac os X and automatically close all opened windows when closing the main JSkyCalc window
- Enhanced JSkyCalc window resizing on Sky Display and plot airmass
- Fixed CHARA PAVO configuration (noise parameters + fringe tracker)
- Added tooltips on the observability plot to get main target and range information
- Added azimuth ticks on the observability plot (azimuth on the top; elevation on the bottom)
- Added U and V axes expressed in meters on the UV Coverage plot
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed handling of invalid target identifier(s) present in the calibrator table of Aspro2's VOTable format (SAMP) (PIVOT)
- Fixed missing Hot News/Release Notes/FAQ links in Help menu
Version 0.9.1
Tue, 12 Jun 2012 17:35:09 GMT
- Features:
- Added an easy way to choose Simbad mirrors in the star resolver
- Added Period 'VLTI Future' to define coming instruments in future ESO periods: preliminary GRAVITY support
- Added visAmp/visPhi error computation for experimental instruments (GRAVITY) i.e. compute standard deviation on 100 noisy complex visibility samples
- Added support for RA/DEC expressed in degrees in the VOtable SAMP message handler
and check for correct coordinate system (FK5, J2000)
- Fixed VOtable SAMP interoperability when Aspro2 is started by the JMMC AppLauncher
and the VOTable contains calibrator targets (SearchCal)
- Fixed missing science target (automatically added) when Aspro2 handles SearchCal VOtable SAMP messages:
no more message "Target '...' not found in targets (wrong SearchCal target)"
- Added complete support for VOTable ASPRO parameters to provide custom configuration (baseline, pops, beams)
and disable GUI features used by the SAMP interoperability with PIVOT (CHARA VEGA)
- Updated number of scans in PIONIER P2PP template
- Updated PIONIER instrument modes to add K band: LARGE_H, BROAD_K and LARGE_K
- Moved File chooser preferences file (last used directory per file type) i.e. previous settings are lost
- Added warning log: click on the warning icon
- Fixed CHARA configuration: PAVO (resolution), removed configuration CHARA Vega June 2011
- Fixed VLTI configuration: FINITO: mag limit = 7, no FT for PIONIER
- Enhanced Fast mode to compute user models: determine useful model data using total flux threshold (99% or better)
- Changes:
- Changed VOTable import limits: up to 50 targets accepted without user confirmation; import discarded if more than 1000 targets
- Merge custom configuration (baseline, pops, beams) with internal configuration (missing beams / PoPs) for interoperability with PIVOT (CHARA VEGA)
- Added CHARA detailled configuration as one warning to display baseline, beams and optionally user-defined PoPs
- Automatically fix invalid interferometer configuration (CHARA VEGA June 2011) to CHARA
- Support VOTable 1.2 for incoming SAMP 'load.votable' messages (vizier)
- Corrected VLTI station coordinates (A0, D0, H0, K0)
- Fixed CHARA OIFits data: use all spectral channels (~ 400) until binning support
- Fixed Noise modeling: FINITO GroupTrack mode do not allow longer dit
- Added square visiblity (SQUARE) as model image mode
- Internal changes (Logback API)
- Avoid useless OIFits data computation when some widgets changes on the UV Coverage panel
- Refresh UV Map and OIFits data when the Fast mode preference changes
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed SearchCal interoperability to use V band (not I) for VEGA instrument
- Better unexpected exception handling in any SAMP message handler
- Fixed StarList generation (CHARA VEGA) when beams are undefined in the Aspro2 configuration; use default interferometer beams (V1 ... V6)
- Use native file choosers on Mac OS X;
avoid directory creation bug when exporting targets to Observing blocks
- Fixed RA / DEC parsing (Simbad resolver) with missing second token
- Fixed performance issue related to the time marker (label anchor refreshed in for ever loop)
Version 0.9.0
Wed, 14 Mar 2012 16:58:26 GMT
- Features:
- Public release for ESO Period 90
- Added User model editor (single Fits image) in the target model editor including image preview
- Added 'Compute OIFits data' checkbox on the UV Coverage panel to enable/disable the OIFits computation
which can be very slow (for example: high resolution AMBER observation)
- Added User model support to compute OIFits data using direct fourier transform (slow even in multithreading)
- Added User model support (single Fits image) to compute UV Map (gray model) using fractional FFT (multithreading)
- Changes:
- Added LUT and color scale widgets on the FITS image preview of the target model editor
- Enhanced exception handling during user model validation and computation: automatically disable invalid model and add a warning message
- Added user model information (pixel increments + FOV) on the target model editor
- Added 'Fast mode (optimize image)' preferences to prepare user models (FITS image) for FFT and direct fourier transform:
discard negative, zero values and data lower than the visibility threshold (1 percent) to have smaller datasets to process
- OIFits data are now computed in background (multithreading)
- Changed mouse cursor when computations are running (busy wait cursor) but the application is still usable
- Enhanced status bar messages to better indicate when background computations are running
- Bug fixes:
- Added UP / DOWN buttons to move targets among
science or calibrator targets (manual sort) in the target editor
Version 0.8.2
Wed, 14 Mar 2012 16:58:26 GMT
- Features:
- Added VLTI configuration for ESO Period 90
- Added the Color scale legend on the UV Coverage plot
- Added the Color scale (linear or logarithmic) preference to represent the model image amplitude
- Added 'Add error noise to data' checkbox on the UV Coverage panel to enable or disable gaussian noise (sigma=error) on OIFits data tables (OI_VIS, OI_VIS2, OI_T3); it is visible on Vis2 plot
- Added the timeline (red line) on the observability plot to indicate the system current time (useful during real observations)
- Added 'Night only' option on the observability plot to automatically zoom and focus on the night
- Added OI_VIS table in the OIFits output even if the instrument is not AMBER;
it contains correlated fluxes VISDATA/VISERR anyway but VISAMP/VISPHI are set to NaN for other instruments because Aspro2 does not know
how these quantities are computed by each instrument data reduction software
- Support standard SAMP 'load.votable' message to get targets in VOTable format (topcat for example)
- Changes:
- Updated spectral configurations for CHARA VEGA instrument (CAMERA=R)
- Updated spectral configurations for CHARA VEGA instrument: spectral channels (binning)
- Updated StarList export for the CHARA VEGA instrument: added vega setup and spectral calibration OB
- Updated spectral configurations for CHARA VEGA instrument
- Added model image scale (LUT) on the UV Coverage plot
- Optimized computation of object model image: use divide and conquer algorithm (multi-core CPU) and smaller memory footprint
- Added new model image sizes in user preferences: 256, 384, 512, 768, 1024, 1536, 2048
- Added PIVOT identifier support in Samp 'table.load.votable' incoming and 'starlist.load' output messages
- Removed OI_VIS table for the PIONIER instrument as its data reduction software does
- Added Show Log action in help menu to see the application log (and configure log details at runtime)
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed dismissable ESO message when exporting observing blocks
- Fixed noise biases for PIONIER instrument:
fixed bias to 1% and VIS2 calibration bias to 5% (minVis2Err = 0.0001 + 0.05 x V2)
- Fixed computation of Ring object models: wrong diameter to radius conversion
- Minor fix related to small screen support: allow the user to resize the main window up to 950x700
- Fixed min/max baseline computation to use projected baseline on UV plane
instead of maximum baseline length (UVW); this impacts SearchCal interoperability and the UV plot scale (UVMax field)
- Automatically adjust total integration time to 50% of the sampling periodicity
when it changes in the UV Coverage Panel
- Fixed grid lines visibility on the Observability plot
Version 0.8.1
Wed, 14 Sep 2011 16:27:21 GMT
- Features:
- Corrected AMBER noise parameters: visibility and phase bias set to 5% and 3 deg respectively
- Updated PIONIER instrument configuration: corrected noise parameters and added spectral modes (LARGE-H, SMALL-H and BROAD-H)
- Improved Java Web Start packaging (JNLP) to provide faster downloads
- Added VLTI configuration for ESO Period 89
- Added the preliminary OIFits viewer: only square visiblity (VIS2) vs radius plot is available with error bars
when the noise modeling is able to compute them
- Fixed CHARA delay line configuration: E1 cart moves in range [-1.4 to +44.0] like others (july 2011)
- Updated CHARA VEGA (2T/3T/4T) configuration (beams and station reference per baseline)
- Corrected zenithal restriction to 4 degrees applied to UT and AT telescopes according to "ESO Call for Proposals – P88 (UT)" (VLTI)
- Updated CHARA configuration to have both MIRC_5T and MIRC_6T configurations
- Updated CHARA configuration using the latest official configuration file (telescopes.chara)
- Better File choosers: use the last used directory (per file type and saved in user preferences)
- Filled "OBSERVATION.DESCRIPTION.NAME" in VLTI OBs to help P2PP users better navigate among targets
- Changed OIFits file extension to '.fits'
- Added 'Export targets to Observing blocks' in the File menu to export all targets at once (VLTI)
- Allow zooming on the observability plot (targets and time range)
- Changed color for orphan calibrators in the observability plot
- Added 'Center plot arround night' preference to have the complete night centered on the observability plot
- Added civil and nautical twilight zones and a new preference 'Twilight used as Night limit' to choose which twilight limits are used for night restrictions
- Added a new preference 'Default min Elevation' set to 45 degrees by default
- Changes:
- Changed VOTable message handler (SAMP) to accept PIVOT messages using VOTable for targets
- Added 'Send StarList to PIVOT' action (SAMP)
- Enhanced performance to find best PoPs (CHARA)
- Fixed logging configuration to avoid important performance loss during observability computations (best PoPs)
- Major performance improvements to determine best PoPs (CHARA) in the observability computation
- Added information about best / good PoPs in the warning messages displayed by the status indicator (CHARA)
- Updated Export to Observing blocks (VEGA, VLTI) to use the user minimum elevation instead of 30 deg (required by ESO OB)
- Minor ergonomic change: when the target editor is opened, the 'Targets' tab is displayed by default; when the UV coverage plot is selected,
the 'Models' tab is displayed instead
- Minor changes related to CHARA VEGA Observing blocks (spectral type format, disk diameter set from SearchCal diameters)
- Fixed export OB for CHARA VEGA to handle properly calibrators in the StarList format
- Automatic PoPs set with values defined in CHARA VEGA configuration dedicated to June 2011 run (read-only)
- Added CHARA VEGA configuration dedicated to June 2011 runs and minor changes in CHARA configuration (sorted instrument list)
- Added 'Scroll view' checkbox button to see all targets (or only some of them) on the observability plot
- Enable mouse zooming on the observability plot
- Always show the scrollbar (with margins) on the observability plot
- Bug fixes:
- Corrected effective wavelength in OIFits output (channel center)
- Fixed alternative distribution package (JAR file): missing jMAL embedded libraries
- Fixed out of range exception when mouse zooming on UV Coverage Panel arround borders
- Fixed exception when exporting an Observing block
and the spectral type is undefined for one target (SearchCal calibrator)
- Changed PIONIER OB template to take 100 scans of DARK instead of 50
- Fixed bug related to SearchCal integration:
always use the bright scenario as the faint scenario is not available for all instrumental bands
- Adapt the number of visible targets on the observability plot when the application window is resized
Version 0.8
Thu, 10 Mar 2011 11:16:37 GMT
- Changes:
- Added Button 'Sort by R.A.' in the target editor to sort both science and calibrator targets by their right ascension
- Added calibrator information (SearchCal) in the observation file and display important ones in the target editor (diameters)
- Updated plots (Interferometer Map, Observability and UV Coverage) to display data for all selected instrument configurations
- Major refactoring to compute observability and UV Coverage for all selected instrument configurations
- Important changes in the user interface (main panel) to allow multi selection of instrument configurations
and use the main target list to select the current target used in the UV Coverage Panel
- Added VLTI configuration for ESO Period 88
Version 0.7
Tue, 15 Feb 2011 11:41:46 GMT
- Changes:
- Fixed VLTI configuration for the PIONIER instrument (ESO Period 86 and 87)
- JSAMP library updated to release 1.2 that fix shutdown notification problems when the user closes any JMMC application
- Optimisation: the model image is not computed if it is useless
- Actions Export to OIFits / PDF waits for computations to be done
- Internal changes related to computations running in background (concurrency and consistency)
- Updated Export to Observing Blocks to support calibrators: the selected science target is exported
to a science OB and its calibrators to calibrator OBs
- Added Observing Blocks for PIONIER instrument
- Added CHARA PAVO instrument: PAVO_2T and PAVO_3T (3T)
- Updated default file names for exports (PDF, OB, OIFits) to be more meaningful
- Updated Observability plot to display science targets with their calibrators
- Updated target lists to display science targets with their calibrators
- Advanced drag and drop support to associate calibrators to (science) targets in the target editor
- Updated target editor to flag a target as a calibrator
- Added a version attribute in the Observation file to handle model conversions
- Updated the Observation data model: targets have an ID attribute (derived from target name)
used to associate user informations: description, calibrator flag and calibrator list per target
- Added action to open the SimBad web page for the current target in the Target editor
- Fixed the selected target when opening the target editor and synchronize the selected target between 'Model' and 'Target' tabs
- Added new Target editor to let the user edit target fields (magnitudes ...) and provide user information per target
- SearchCal integration: use deletedFlag to filter calibrators to mimic SearchCal delete action and
display HD identifier instead of HIP identifier to mimic SearchCal view
- Added new preference for Time reference (LST or UTC)
- Updated Observability plot: better position and automatic font size for hour annotations
- Modified JMMC trademark (less important)
- Updated night area color: lighter to have better grayscale prints
- Totally rewritten CHARA configuration thanks to official configuration file (telescopes.chara)
- Added VEGA_4T (preliminary support) and change ordering for instruments (2T, 3T, 4T)
- Automatic PDF orientation (observability) according to the number of targets
- Added an optional scrollbar and better handling for a lot of targets on the observability plot
- Smaller font size for time annotations on the observability plot
- Added the zenithal restriction (VLTI) in the observability computation (elevation limit of 89 degrees)
- Added the zenithal restriction (CHARA) in the observability computation (elevation limit of 85 degrees)
- Fixed concurrency bugs related to the SimBad star resolver: the search field is disabled while processing a request to avoid concurrent requests
- Fixed bug related to sampling periodicity: use the instrument default sampling time when an invalid value is detected
- SearchCal integration through SAMP VO protocol: send the selected target to let SearchCal find calibrators
and process SearchCal response to extract calibrators
- LITpro integration through SAMP VO protocol: send models and generated oifits for the selected target
- Bug fixes:
- Fixed major bug on target model editor when the user changes the selected target while editing a parameter value
- Fixed bug when computing HA max (0 instead of a negative value)
Version 0.6
Tue, 05 Oct 2010 10:08:04 GMT
- Changes:
- Formatted DIT value in warning messages coming from noise modeling (FT or saturation)
- Added warning messages on GUI to indicate unobservable target and invalid HA min/max settings
- Added tooltips on target list and PoPs field
- Fixed window size problem for the 1280 x 800 resolution
- Added a confirm dialog for the 'New Observation' action
- Use an hour angle axis when the observability displays the baseline limits
- Normalize model flux weights to compute visibilities
- Added CHARA instruments: CLASSIC (2T) and CLIMB (3T)
- Better exception handling and user messages
- Unexpected exceptions are now propagated to the feedback report
- Added 'Aspro 2 / JMMC' label on plots
- Fixed FT_SENSOR value (FINITO or NONE) in AMBER Observing blocks
- Remove Astrogrid Pal library
- Fixed memory leak related to Preference listeners
- Offical release of Aspro 2
- Bug fixes:
- Limit the memory footprint when the sampling periodicity is very small (less than 1 minute).
First 500 HA samples are computed and the following warning is displayed: 'Too many HA points (...), check your sampling periodicity. Only 500 samples computed'
- Fixed bug when the UV Max value is set to 0.
This slider has now a minimum value set to the smallest baseline length of the selected interferometer
- Fixed bug concerning random dates: the LST axis is corrupted (Requires 'lower' < 'upper')
- Fixed bug in HA min/max restrictions: invalid values can cause a NegativeArrayException
- Added the following message when the user use the 'Export to OIFits' action and the oifits is null :
'There is currently no OIFits data (no target or your target is not observable)'
- Corrected focus problem with the action 'Export to an Observing block'
and added an user message if there is no target to export
Version 0.5
Mon, 06 Sep 2010 18:00:58 GMT
- Changes:
- Added warning messages on GUI to display information relative to error / noise modelling
- Error and noise computation for OI_VIS (AMBER only) using the differential phase / amplitude algorithm (amdlib)
- Added a pop up to tell the user to check its VLTI OB file against ESO CfP rules
- Fixed some configuration for AMBER in Period 87 (wrong station ordering) and the
loading action to even load such observation files
- Correlated fluxes set in OI_VIS
- Proper noise computation for OI_VIS2 and OI_T3
- Updated AO and instrument configurations to compute noise (VLTI / CHARA)
- Added observation time and atmosphere quality in UV coverage settings
- Sampling time is set to the default sampling time of the instrument when the instrument is changed
- Added Moon almanach on observability plot (illumination fraction, moon rise and set)
- Added OI_T3 computation (bispectrum) in OIFits generation
- Fixed OIFits primary header to be used with ASPRO (Gildas)
- Added new action 'New Observation' to reset the GUI
- Fixed shortcuts for 'Open Observation' and 'Export to OB' actions in File Menu
- Added a confirm dialog on exit
- Added action 'Export to OIFits' in the File menu
- New OIFits tab panel to show a HTML representation of its content
- OIFits structure computed on the fly using the selected target and current UV coverage settings
- Added oitools module
- First public release of Aspro 2
- Fixed some JNLP problems in offline mode
- Added JNLP association with 'asprox' files to be opened at startup
Version 0.4
Tue, 15 Jun 2010 14:26:07 GMT
- Changes:
- Changed Observation file extension to 'asprox'
- New logo for Aspro 2
- Minor UI changes: new File menu actions (Export to OB and PDF) and modified layout on the UV Coverage Panel
- default minimum elevation changed to 30 degrees
- Fixed a side effect caused by the BaseLine Limits option that leaves the UV coverage empty
- Better Look of the table for model parameters
- Simplified descriptions for analytic models
- Export CHARA VEGA Observing Block with all targets (Star List)
- Better Look and Feel for the Preference View
- Added Model Image options (lut and size) as Preferences
- Added the limb darkened disk model in the model editor
- Added gaussian models in the model editor
- Added ring models in the model editor
- Add one button to normalize the flux weights in the model editor
- Add one preference to choose the default style of display for positions (Rho_Theta by default or X_Y) in the model editor
- Add the preferences window (displayed from the menu)
- New Interferometer Map Plot to display station positions and the chosen baseline
- A star name can be optionaly given to the star resolver in addition to the coordinates to enter manually a new target
- Several UI changes to manage HA min / max and the fringe tracker mode fields depending on the selected target in the UV Coverage Panel
- HA min / max and the fringe tracker mode are related to a specific target and persisted in the observation file
- Added date and time constraints on VLTI Observing Block: date is defined if night restrictions are enabled;
LST intervals are defined with the target observability (elevation > 30 deg + delay lines + shadowing) restricted by the HA min / max defined
in the UV Coverage Panel
Version 0.3
Wed, 19 May 2010 11:25:43 GMT
- Changes:
- Added VLTI configuration for ESO Period 87 (new baselines)
- Added VLTI configuration for ESO Period 86 (idem ESO Period 85)
- Added VLTI configuration for the future PIONIER instrument (ESO Period 86)
- Added basic Observing Block for MIDI
- Fixed the contiguous date interval problem on observability plot
- Minor corrections on AMBER observing blocks (proper motion and RA/DEC format)
- Updated Aspro data model to keep simbad information like RA (HMS), DEC (DMS), Radial velocity, Identifiers and Object types
- Updated Target tooltip with new information
- Several fixes to convert sexagesimal RA/DEC in degrees (internal). Known problem: the previously saved files can not be load anymore
- The star resolver now supports RA/DEC coordinates to enter manually a new target (useful when simbad is down or no internet connection)
- Missing fluxes used in Observing Block set to -99
- Several minor UI changes for mac OS X platform (10.4 and more)
- Deployment: Pal library is embedded in its own Jnlp file to avoid signing issues
Version 0.2
Mon, 5 Apr 2010 12:00:00 GMT
- Changes:
- Added a transit mark and ticks for the elevation on the observability plot
- Export VLTI AMBER Observing Block (OB) for a single target (simple)
- Disable model image widgets when the current target has no defined model
- Do not use Rho / Theta for the first model in the model editor
- Replace instead of Append behaviour in the parameter table of the model editor
- Added circle and elongated disk models
- Rho / Theta editor instead of X/Y in the model editor
- First release of the model editor with only punct and disk models
- Enhanced UV coverage plot with several gui widgets to control the plot (U-V range, amplitude or phase)
- Better RGB color (LUT) conversion (linear) for visibilities
- Force LUT Color models to be 256 colors wide with black arround minimum value
- Imported Target Model from jmcs
- Corrected several minor style on charts
- Added target Model uv map on the uv coverage plot with zomming supported
Version 0.1
Tue, 16 Feb 2010 12:00:00 GMT
- Changes:
- Minor bug fixed on UV Coverage plot when the observability displays the baseline limits
- Fixed PDF text rendering to support greek unicode characters
- UV Coverage plot showing observable ranges (sampling, instrument mode)
- UV Coverage plot showing rise/set tracks
- Star resolver bug fix for empty proper motion and parallax fields
- Added PDF generation for plots
- Added a best PoPs algorithm for the complete list of targets
- Fixed JMCS Star resolver for targets without proper motion nor parallax
- Added PoP user configuration
- Added CHARA switchyard (beam / station)
- Added PoP support
- Evaluate the best PoP configuration that gives the best observability range for a single target
- Added delay line / switchyard / channels in observability plot
- Added base line limits
- Enhanced GUI to set min elevation / detailed plot ...
- Complete rewrite of the ASPRO software as a desktop Java application