New job offer for astronomer service task
Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 10:57 AM -
JMMC NewsPosted by JMMC User Support Team
Dans le cadre de sa mission de service à la communauté, le JMMC offre un service de "support utilisateurs" à la fois pour les questions ayant trait aux logiciels développés par le JMMC (outils de préparation aux observations, recherche de calibrateurs, ajustement de modèles, interfaces de dépouillement de données AMBER, etc...) et plus généralement pour la préparation des demandes de temps et des observations VLTI/AMBER. Ce support utilisateur est un service d'observation du SO5 JMMC qui est actuellement vacant. La personne en charge de ce service intervient habituellement aussi sur la définition et les évolutions des logiciels de préparation aux observations proposés par le JMMC (Groupe ASPRO, P.I. G.Duvert).
Plus d'info sur la
page d'offre d'emplois
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Help us to improve our products and services.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 05:17 PM -
JMMC NewsPosted by JMMC Technical Team
The JMMC distributes products and services for the interferometric community. It would greatly help us if you could spend a few minutes answering to our
User Feedback Survey(
Best regards,
The JMMC User Support
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New OiFits file validator.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 02:50 PM -
Oival NewsPosted by JMMC Technical Team
OI-FITS format is commonly used to store data provided by optical interferometers. The OIVAL service is intended to check the validity of OI-FITS files relative to IAU standard.
The tool provides information about an input file, especially if this one isn't compliant with the norm, with different levels of granularity. It checks:
- Mandatory HDU presence
- Format and unit of HDU content
- Cross referencing
Visit the
application page.
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Evelyne Altariba leaves the JMMC
Friday, December 5, 2008, 09:59 AM -
AmberDRS NewsPosted by JMMC Technical Team
After 3 years of fruitful collaboration on
AMBER, WIZARD and OIVAL, Evelyne is moving on other subjects. We thank her again for all the good work, and hope she will enojoy her new position !
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amdlib v3 released for beta-testers
Tuesday, October 21, 2008, 08:44 AM -
AmberDRS NewsPosted by JMMC User Support Team
On friday Oct 17, amdlib v3.0-Beta1 has been distributed to the beta-tester group. This is a major change in the amber DRS software. More on
the releases page.
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What is the maximum size of the queried area ?
Friday, October 17, 2008, 12:15 PM -
SearchCal FAQPosted by JMMC Technical Team
The maximum size is:
- 240 minutes for RA range;
- 30 degrees for DEC range.
By the way, no bigger values can be entered in the query fields !
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What is the main AMBERDRS web page?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 01:36 PM -
AmberDRS FAQPosted by JMMC Technical Team
Visit You will also find other external urls to get more informations about AMBER.
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What is the main SearchCal web page?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 01:35 PM -
SearchCal FAQPosted by JMMC Technical Team
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What is the main ASPRO web page?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008, 01:33 PM -
Aspro FAQPosted by JMMC Technical Team
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The JMMC Web site uses the RSS technology
Wednesday, October 8, 2008, 09:32 AM -
JMMC NewsPosted by JMMC Technical Team
JMMC web site adopts new tools to give access to news. You will be informed of:
- general annoucements
- software informations
You can also subscribe to all of this informations using
RSS feeds
Contact JMMC
user support if you have any question or feedback concerning this news service.
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