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Marie Curie Actions

Mass Accretion in the Binary Star n Carinae PDF
Polarimetric Spectrometer for italian radio telescopes PDF
Testing dynamic models of AGB C-stars with uniform-disc fits PDF
Astrometry of Extra-Solar Systems with HST/FGS PDF
Evidence for Co-Spatial Optical and Radio Polarization in Active Galactic Nuclei PDF
Astrometric Orbits of Low-Mass Binaries is it Possible? PDF
Fringe Tracking with noisy interferometric data PDF
New Calibration Sinusoidal Tecnique Applied to Large Binocular Telescope PDF
Simulations of Imperfect PRIMA Fringe Sensing Units and Calibration Strategies PDF
The VLTI as a tool to study eclipsing binaries for an improved distance scale PDF
Longterm Variability Monitoring of the z~0.8 QSO SDSS J075448.86+303355.1. PDF
Direct determination of the radii of evolved planet hosting stars with the VLTI PDF