

Welcome to the VLTI school live website! This site is dynamic, i.e. it can be changed by any member of the school, anytime, collaboratively (please take the necessary time to read the school Code of conduct). This is YOUR website (unlike the official school website), its content will reflect your involvement in the school!

Sandbox space: write something here!

Present yourself

If not done yet, please create (red “+” on the top left) and fill in a Personal webpages presenting yourself to the other attendees of the school.

School program

Please have a look to the school program that will let you know when to connect to gather.town for the lectures and practice sessions. Times are given in French time.

Places of the school

When: take a look to the program and check date and time in France. All dates and times will be given in France’s timezone.

Where: the main place to be in the school is gather.town. This is where people will meetup and jump to other tools like zoom. The space is password-protected, you should have received a password to connect by email (if not, please [drop us a mail](mailto: fmillour@oca.eu, ame@oca.eu, alexis.matter@oca.eu) and we will send it to you again).

What: have a look to the program.

You can also access to the online tools howto


For any matter during the school, if you need to reach someone (and not a machine): vltischool2021@sciencesconf.org this email redirects to the organizers of the school Florentin Millour, Alexis Matter and Anthony Meilland.