Here comes the notes and examples to administrate the school computers:
Then have in mind that /school/ is the master data repository. This directory is exported on school laptop (using /mnt/server mountpoint).
Pssh is available and can send data in mass over the school laptops. use pssh -h /root/schoolPcs.pssh youCommand withArgs
Laptop are x86_64 linux machines.
You can read many other informations about the configuration of the server into the config.txt file located under /root onto the server. A printed version is near the server.
If you want to copy some data onto the school laptop
- copy your data into /school/data/TheGoodDirectory using ftp/scp/sftp from a machine onto the server
- tell students to copy the data into their homedir from /mnt/server/data/TheGoodDirectory for manual operation
- or use the automatic way
pssh -h /root/schoolPcs.pssh /root/
If you need to install a missing package
- pssh -h /root/schoolPcs.pssh yum install -y gsl.i686
Modify environment to add a software
- edit /school/etc/
- pssh -h
cp -a /mnt/server/etc/ /etc/profile.d/
or synchronize data pssh -h /root/schoolPcs.pssh /root/
- reload a new terminal (or reboot ?) on the school laptops
Hibernate every laptops
- pssh -h /root/schoolPcs.pssh pm-suspend-hybrid
GuillaumeMella - 2013-09-09
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