Application's Server maintenance on June 25th 2018  
Due to some network update requirements, we have to reboot the applications server (Aspro2,LITpro, SearchCal). This operation should be quick and is scheduled arround 3:30PM EST

Please send a message to the user support if you have any issue related

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DNS outage detected - and fixed! 
Thanks to supervision of Grenoble services from Nice Observatory, we detected some DNS failures. This broke access to some services.

All services should be back again. We changed some DNS records on 24 april 2018 at 15:00 UTC to workarround some changes operated on the Grenoble University DNS system.

Please feel free to send any feedback to the support team.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience,
The JMMC technical group

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Server outage 
On thursday 5th of december, one room of the Grenoble University datacenter get into troubles due to a water cooling outage. Some network services of the university without proper redundancy impacted some of the JMMC service. There was no loss of data and everything was back quickly. Unlickily we also had electrical outage during the weekend. Most services are actives and remaingin ones should come back again. If you have any remark, need or question, feel free to contact the
User Support.

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Server Maintenance on 27th of April 2017 14-15h CET 
On thursday 27th of april 14-15h CET, our main application server should switch to a newer infrastructure. Website will be available during the maintenance, but some services will be off. If you have any remark or question, feel free to contact the User Support .

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Java Application certificates 
WEEK 50: JMMC's java applications are signed but 2013-2016's certificate will expire at the end of the year. Each applications will be redeployed and signed again. Please contact the user support if anything goes wrong.

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Ouverture concours CNAP 2017 
Le concours cnap 2017 est ouvert! La proposition de tache de service du JMMC est en ligne.

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Network downtime on Tuesday, 16 Aug 2016 12:00 - 14:00 CEST 
On tuesday, 16 Aug 2016, the Grenoble University Network should be upgraded. A downtime should occur from 12h00 to 14h00 CEST. Please apologize for the maintenance outage. Contact the user support for any issue.
(First notification on 11 Aug has been delayed)

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DNS upgrade 

We are changing our registrar for the domains and
The schedule was not known and the DNS resolution failed during more than 24h :-( .

Please report your problems so we can focus and prioritize reliability improvements.

Thanks to the RENATER organization, the JMMC will use secured and trusted certificates for https protocols and java application signature in the coming months.

The JMMC technical team

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Release of the first version of the Optical Interferometry DataBase (OiDB) 
We are very happy to announce that the first version of the Optical interferometry DataBase (OiDB) is now ready for operations!

The current version contains a large sample of PIONIER observations (all calibrated OIFITS since 2011), the data from 8 vizier catalogs, and several years of CHARA observation logs (CLIMB, CLASSIC, VEGA). The database is continuously updated with new observations.
We hope you will find this portal convenient to share and look for reduced/published data.

Feedback form can be found in the "Help" menu of the top navigation bar.
Please do not hesitate to comment on anything, e.g. any problem you might have with the submission of your data, the user manual, aesthetics of the portal, etc. It is important for us to know that the portal is nice to use and that the data search and submission are clear and straightforward.
We encourage you to try the interoperability features that allow you to explore your data with OIFits Explorer or TOPCAT, or do some modeling with LITPro.

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PIONIER Data Reduction Software distribution page 
A new entry dedicated to the PIONIER Data Reduction Software has been added to the Data Processing section of the JMMC website.

Users can get the PNDRS package from

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