%ACTION{ closed="2009-09-21" closer="Main.LaurentBourges" created="2009-09-14" creator="Main.GuillaumeMella" due="2009-09-20" state="closed" uid="000451" who="Main.LaurentBourges" }% Finaliser le schema xml %ACTION{ closed="2012-06-06" closer="Main.LaurentBourges" created="2010-09-21" creator="Main.GuillaumeMella" due="" state="closed" uid="001134" who="Main.GuillaumeMella" }% Deplacer la constante ExportOIFitsAction.OIFITS_EXT dans jmcs? %ACTION{ closed="2012-06-06" closer="Main.LaurentBourges" created="2010-09-22" creator="Main.GuillaumeMella" due="" state="closed" uid="001137" who="Main.GuillaumeMella" }% Publier les xsd sur le serveur web et rajouter un xslt pour les asprox
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Topic revision: r5 - 2012-06-06 - LaurentBourges
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