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The JMMC is actively pursuing research and developement on several subjects related to interferometric observations and data processing, through specialized working groups:


  • A. Domiciano (OCA-LAGRANGE), Principal Investigator
  • A. Meilland, C. Ordenovic, L. Abe, A. Chiavassa (OCA-LAGRANGE), L. Bourgès, G. Mella (OSUG)

AMHRA is the French acronym for “Analysis and Modeling in High Angular Resolution”. The main objective of the AMHRA working group of MOIO/JMMC is to develop and/or provide astrophysical models and data analysis tools dedicated to the scientific exploitation of high angular and high spectral facilities (in particular ESO-VLTI instruments) by the astronomical community, including non-specialists in interferometry. Several tools are offered to the user that seeks to prepare, model, and analyze interferometric observations, notably those from the second generation of VLTI instruments (GRAVITY and MATISSE), which provide unique capabilities on high spectral and spatial resolution.

The different types of tools offered or to be offered by AMHRA are:

  • Polychromatic images from astrophysical models with fast computation time: astrophysical models implemented as numerical codes allowing to compute multi-wavelength intensity maps (cube of images) within a few seconds to a few minutes.
  • Polychromatic images from a pre-calculated grid of astrophysical models: grids of pre-calculated multi-wavelength intensity maps (cube of images) generally based on state-of-the-art radiative transfer codes. These grids are given for models providing a realistic description of astronomical targets, but requiring large computation times (typically many hours). They cover a given region of the model parameter space.
  • Spectro-interferometric observables from model images: tools to compute spectro-interferometric observables (e.g. visibilities, closure phases, differential phases, fluxes) from an input set of multi-wavelength intensity maps and corresponding to interferometric instruments.
  • Analysis and model-fitting tools for spectro-interferometry: tools allowing to analyze and/or constraint the input parameters of astrophysical models (in particular those offered by AMHRA) from a direct comparison to the spectro-interferometric observations.
The model images provided by AMHRA can be used as input to other MOIO tools such as ASPRO (e.g. prepare observations), LITpro (e.g. compare a given model to interferometric data), and imaging tools from OImaging (e.g. starting point for image reconstruction).


  • X. Haubois (ESO), Principal Investigator
TBD ( reprise oidb + rajout badcal, catalogues JSDC, JMDC )


  • F. Soulez (OSUL-CRAL), Principal Investigator
  • Guillaume Mella, Laurent Bourges, Gilles Duvert, Hervé Beust(OSUG), Isabelle Tallon-Bosc, Michel Tallon, Eric Thiébaut (OSUL), André Ferrari (LAGRANGE), Laurent Mugnier (ONERA)

The aim of the "Model fitting & Image reconstruction” (MFIR) working group is to provide software interferometric data processing. The software developed in this working group falls in two categories:

  • LITPro, a model fitting software to infer geometrical and physical parameters from interferometric data. It provides for modeling the object, a set of elementary geometrical, center-to-limb darkening and chromatic functions, all combinable together. This software has a GUI (in Java) like other graphical applications developed by the JMMC.
  • Image reconstruction algorithms aimed at estimating an image of the observed object from interferometric data. The MFIR working group is in charge of the development of IOImaging an unified GUI for image reconstruction softwares. It currently supports BSMEM, WISARD and MiRA. Among these software, WISARD and MiRA are maintained by the MFIR working group.


  • A. Matter (OCA-LAGRANGE), Principal Investigator

As a new service of the JMMC, SUV (Service aux Utilisateurs du VLTI) provides, in four different sites (Nice, Grenoble, Paris, and Lyon), a complete support to the users of the 2nd generation VLTI instruments. This support consists of an individualized assistance (FAQ, questions submission, face-to-face meetings) that covers the preparation of observing proposals and observations, and the GRAVITY and MATISSE data reduction. It also includes an assistance in the critical use of the JMMC model fitting and image reconstruction softwares.

SUV is coordinated by the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA) in Nice, with three other local nodes in Paris (Observatoire de Paris), Grenoble (IPAG), and Lyon (Observatoire de Lyon). A centralized helpdesk platform, hosted at OCA, collects all the user questions and requests for a face-to-face assistance in one of the four nodes. These questions and visit requests are then redirected to the relevant node. The SUV helpdesk is accessible through the JMMC webpage.


TBD or Remove

JMMC Tech Group

  • G. Mella (OSUG), Principal Investigator
  • L. Bourgès, C. Kemps (OSUG)
  • Past members: E. Altariba, P. Bernaud, S. Cêtre, J-M. Clausse, L. Gluck, V. Jammet, C. Kemps, P. Kervella (webmaster),S. Lafrasse, Y. Vanderschueren, G. Zins
  • Past trainees members: B. Colucci, J-P Gros, N. Hofmann, S. Prette, T. Stein, E. Taillifet, S. Vedel

The technical staff and software development group aims at developing softwares and managing services distributed by the JMMC. Technical staff is highly coupled to scientists through the whole life of JMMC projects (from project specification to code contribution and support). The JMMC has defined tools and rules to improve quality of software developments. The JMMC considers Virtual Observatory as a data provider but also as a powerfull technical framework.

Most of the JMMC softwares and services are distributed over the Internet. Our website management is handled by the webmaster, whom ensures best content to our users. Servers maintenance ((installation, maintenance, network management, security, databases, user authentification, download mechinisms, mailing lists...) is done by the JMMC staff with support from OSUG and Grenoble University system administrators.

The technical staff also responds to technical support with JMMC members and users in collaboration with the jmmc-user-support team.

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Topic revision: r10 - 2019-01-08 - FerreolSoulez
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