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Welcome to the JMMC SUV homepage

VLTI at Paranal

General presentation

As a new service of the JMMC, SUV (Service aux Utilisateurs du VLTI) provides, in four different sites (Nice, Grenoble, Paris, and Lyon), a complete support to the french users (or users working in a french institute) of the 2nd generation VLTI instruments. This support consists of an individualized assistance (FAQ, questions submission, face-to-face meetings) that covers the preparation of observing proposals and observations, and the GRAVITY and MATISSE data reduction. It also includes an assistance in the critical use of the JMMC model fitting and image reconstruction softwares.

SUV is coordinated by the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (OCA) in Nice, with three other local nodes in Paris (Observatoire de Paris), Grenoble (IPAG), and Lyon (Observatoire de Lyon). A centralized helpdesk platform, hosted at OCA, collects all the user questions and requests for a face-to-face assistance in one of the four nodes. These questions and visit requests are then redirected to the relevant node.

List of SUV nodes

  • Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (Nice)
    • Fields of expertise: Observation and data reduction for MATISSE, image reconstruction
    • Website:
  • Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
    • Fields of expertise: Observation and data reduction for GRAVITY
    • Website:
  • Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble
    • Fields of expertise: Observation and data reduction for GRAVITY
    • Website:
  • Observatoire de Lyon

Information about GRAVITY and MATISSE

  • Detailed technical information about GRAVITY, including tools download and documentation can be found here.
  • Detailed technical information about MATISSE, including tools download and documentation can be found here.

SUV helpdesk

Any further questions or need for a face-to-face support in one of the SUV nodes ? Please visit the SUV helpdesk.

To be continued smile

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Topic revision: r6 - 2018-03-07 - AlexisMatter
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