GillesDuvert - 16 May 2012
aspro is able to plot almost anything versus anything else (see plottables.png at end of page), with error bars, but for 1 source, and ignoring spectral bands. One can plot individual points or mean,rms,min,max,median of a series of values. Histograms and theoretical functions, although desirable, are not provided. ASPRO uses a 'flat' decomposition of the structured OI-FITS (all the data have the same dimensions, even if it makes for a lot of redundancy and memory size, it is very efficient).
- simpleExplorerMenu.png:
- v2versusWavelength3bases.png:
* visphipluserrors.png:
- v2vspiston.png:
* pistonversustime3bases4channels.png:
- x.png:
- y.png:
- plottables.png: