
The OI-FITS (Optical Interferometry Flexible Image Transport System) format is commonly used to store data provided by optical interferometers. This software package is intended to check the validity of OI-FITS files relative to IAU standard.

The software package is intended to provide information about an input file, especially if this one isn't compliant with the norm, with different levels of granularity.

Technical information about OI-FITS format.

See the following articles or documents:

OI-FITS format controller

This tool aims at checking OI-FITS files format validity.

The rules for OIFits Files


Software perspective

The OI-FITS format controller software is intended to be provided as

  • a program runable in standalone mode
  • a program operable on common platforms (ie Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
  • function library (?? or program ??) which can be integrated in a user's program

General requirements

The software has to provide a command line interface (CLI) and a graphical user interface (GUI).

Both will allow the user

  • to select one or more input files.
  • to configure the tool according to specific expectations (TBD - lesquelles sont possibles exactement?? ).
  • to access detailed information about detected irregularities.
  • anything else???
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Topic revision: r11 - 2017-10-27 - CharleenKemps
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