Practice sessions
You can install most of the following software that will be use for excercices. However to prevent some installation issue, two virtual machines will run them. One is dedicated to the Image Reconstruction and the other run the rest of them.
Visibility Modeling
- How to launch it during the vltischool :
- open a terminal and run aspro2
- Data :
Data Reduction
- website
- Please find a copy of the pdf documentation in
- * exercice instructions (PDF) also available on the VM in
- How to launch it during the vltischool :
- open a terminal and run amdlib
- you can use tab key to autocomplete main commands and navigate in the command history
- Data :
- website
- Please find pdf documentation in
- exercice instructions
- How to launch it during the vltischool :
- open a terminal, enter your data directory and run pndrsReduce
- Data :
Model Fitting
- website We will use the beta
(enhanced) version during the school
- You can find the documentation on the website, but the usermanual is also embedded in the software Click on the
- How to launch it during the vltischool :
- open a terminal and run LITpro
- Data :
Image Reconstruction
- [[][website]]
- [[][online doc]]
- [[][exercice instructions]]
- How to launch it during the vltischool :
- Data : *
Common tools
Material setup instructions
Most of the software will be provided through virtul machine (VM) images:
- VM will be delivered using VirtualBox (but running on VMWare on the provided machines)
- You may use it on your machine
Setup of the virtual machine (VM) dedicated to the first set of exercice (Obs. preparation, Data Reduction, Data Analysis)
- The appliance image has been prepared using virtualbox V 4.3.8
- The main user login is
and associated password is mpifr
; user can perform sudo commands
- You may have downloaded it from
( /!\ 3.7 GB file)
- an updated image is provided and shared through sticky/hard drives in the Maternushaus
- ubuntu14_jmmc_vltischool_06092015_2030.ova (4.3GB, md5sum is d54f1ab450526d6a1ee85983860436bb=)
- Then run VirtualBox and select the image file through the
File>Import Appliance...
- To save diskspace, you can delete the ova file after import because it is not used by virtual box anylonger.
- This VM provides : Aspro2, amdlib, pndrs, LITpro, OIFitsExplorer, SearchCal with associated data
- Note
- If you want to edit the wiki, you must use your JMMC/IPAG twiki login or create a new one.

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