A full topic on
TeXshopTips for those who use the
LaTeX editor
TeXshop on mac
Tips en vrac
- New Chapter on the right page: option [twoside,openright]
- If you used previous tip, you might want to add \usepackage{emptypage} so that numbering doesn't appear on blank pages
ThomasVuillaume - 25 Feb 2015
Posters on \LaTeX
* If you wish to make posters on
LateX, several options can be used, my personal favorite is
(cool especially if you already do your presentations using beamer)
* or you can use
you'll find help online.
Draw with \LaTeX
* Have a look to this (link below under "Attachments").
Tips from
ThomasVuillaume &
EnriqueGarciaGarcia - 10 Aug 2015