How to place your vacations ? [solved]

Go to this page: Then go through the AGATE application (you will need your JANUS ID and passwd) and go to "Dépôt" to place your vacations, "Calendar" to have a general view of your absences, etc. This works both for your holidays and for any type of absence.

How to book your trip for a meeting/conference/[...] ? [solved]

Depending on your trip, you need to choose either one of the two following :
  1. if you travel in France ONLY, by train or abroad by plane , then go to this page : and click on Transport. Take a close look on the tab selected, it has to be Train for France or Avion for abroad. Search for the travel you're interested in, and then click on Continuer , and Finaliser le voyage. On this last page, you have to fill in the blanks, espacially Envoyer pour autorisation à (you have to search for the secretary that is in charge of the money you will take for this trip, usually the ANR/ERC/[...] of your supervisor, or of somebody in your team), your birth date, the delivery way (e-billet, etc), and then Envoyer pour autorisation at the bottom of the page.
  2. if you travel abroad by train, it's more complicated because the classical web site is unable to take a direct booking for arrival towns located abroad. What you have to do is to go to , and fill in the form you're interested in (Alone or for a Group). You'll come to a page where you are asked to fill the blanks for the identity of the travellers and the secretary that is in charge of your money (cf 1). But don't forget to go to the form Devis Train/Avion to fill in the blanks about your trip ! Then, just click on Envoyer at the bottom of the menu bar, on the left, take a close look on the recap', and send it.

How to book your hotel for a meeting/conference/[...] ? [to complete]

It also depends on the location of your meeting/conference/[...].
  1. if it is in France, just go to and click on Hébergement.
  2. if it is abroad, unfortunately, you have to find the hotel on your own. Small pieces of advice :

Legal basis for end of thesis [to complete]

End of thesis unemployment: useful links about your rights here (ANCMSP and CJC, thanks Justine): and

Informations about end of thesis.

-- ThomasVuillaume - 08 Jan 2015

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