
Actions en cours (CONSERT)

%ACTIONSEARCH{ web="Ipag/Projets/Consert/Software" state="open" who="YvesRogez"}% %ACTIONSEARCH{ web="Ipag/Projets/Consert/Simulation" state="open" who="YvesRogez"}%

Actions terminées (CONSERT)

%ACTIONSEARCH{ web="Ipag/Projets/Consert/Software" state="closed" who="YvesRogez"}% %ACTIONSEARCH{ web="Ipag/Projets/Consert/Simulation" state="closed" who="YvesRogez"}%

Ajouter une action (hors CONSERT, sinon utiliser : Liste des actions)

No such template def TMPL:DEF{PROMPT:laogAction}
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Topic revision: r5 - 2011-06-28 - YvesRogez
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