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OITools Changelog
29/01/2018-14/02/2018, sprint 15
Creation of project developpement
Create a lot of issues to resume TODO
Validation API
define JMMC Profile error
First thinking on special cases of severity
Profile configuration (load file)
Possibily use multiple configuration files
Project documentation
UML Diagram
22/01/2018-26/01/2018, sprint 14
Creation of the repository: JMMC-OpenDev/OITools
Implementation of the development strategy
Commit and push the code on it
Validation API
Cleaning the old (V1) validation API.
Definition of need with severity profiles:
Suggested use of configuration file
We propose to define by default all rules in severity ERROR
First definition of rules that will need specific treatment
08/01/2018-19/01/2018, sprint 13
Beginning of change from OI_SPECTRUM to OI_FLUX (code refactoring)
Validation API
Specification on the handle Severity Profiles
Rewrite some message of failures to be clearer
Comparison with old error messages (homogeneity)
Simplify FileRef handling in OIFitsLoader
Added File / Table informations in report
Checking harvest of all the rules in the DataModel and the presence of all failures
New counters for warning and severe (with new failure API)
04/12/2017-19/12/2017, sprint 12
Validation API
Creation of the API structure for data management (for failures)
First test of the new API on some rules
Add gestion of rulesFailures when you load OIFITS file
Add all sort of add()Values() (dara management API) needed for datas recolte for all of failures
On rule add all message for checker and failures are finish
Add management for some rules can be duplicate
Add new Type and DataType for Rules
Adding methods to complete the possible cases of data collections
Rename all Rules concern Files (begin with FILE or OIFITS)
Xml display definition and tag identification
Formatting the display message for failures
Documentation on the progress of the validation project
20/11/2017-01/11/2017, sprint 11
Validation API
Creation of the special object to store file information (to simplify their recovery)
Storing new errors in two new objects:
One contains all informations needed to create the new failure.
And second contains the same but for datas informations.
Information for failures messages are now manage with the rules
Creation of severity profile, which will be implemented in the different profiles.
First test to display new errors to see if the results are in a good output format (OIVal,...).
Class development of retrieving data information
Applying the new API on the rule related to error columns
Creating a test for recovering failures
Creation of a display for validation on memory structures (when there is no file)
13/11/2017-17/11/2017, sprint 10
Discussion on the implementation of the new form of validation
Identification of need
Identification of gaps to implement
Restructuring the code with the implementation of a new failures recovery mode
Mutualization of this mode with the rules harvesting mode
Small changes in API structure and code cleanup
Creating an Error Report for Comparative Tests (JUnit)
31/10/2017-10/11/2017, sprint 9
Redefining how to manage validation:
Creating a new message
redesign of the API
Preparation of the personal presentation
Creation of visual support in English
Choice on what will be explained and discussed
23/10/2017-27/10/2017, sprint 8
Redefining how to manage units:
Display, process and save variable units
Retrieving OIFits file units
Update and big project for the OITools project documentation:
Adding new pages and splitting information
Adding all informations needed to use the projects
Add all completed and remaining tasks for transition to version 2
02/10/2017-20/10/2017, sprint 7
Creating DataModel V1 and V2 files
Create new method in OIFitsChecker, to catch the rules of the standard directly in the code
Showing an applyTo for the Rules
Showing an applyRules for the DataModel
isInspectRules lets go to any place where are the exceptions (checker) and define exactly where it applies
Adding rule handling on OIPRIMARYHDU
Display of the DataModel (see
Bootstrap add
Css add to customize the display of table
Improved usability and display of Rules and DataModel
New file test
Added a new test file: GRAVITY, which represents a first draft of a file in V2
New Test MoreCoverage to add all little test just for more code coverage
New test DumpDataModel for the creation of the DataModel and the Rules
18/09/2017-29/09/2017, sprint 6
Adding tests compare number of severe and warning error for all files
Add new test: FormatTest, test the format of the dates
Rules Implementation:
Continuity of implementation of the new rules
Creating DataModel V1 and V2 files
Rules display files
Standard view files
Creating a conversion file to display our DataModel in HTML
Creation of a csv for the management of the rules (check the presence of each of them)
Creating UML diagrams for classes (see documentation)
Add Management for Wizard
04/09/2017-15/09/2017, sprint 5
Setting up rules
Need to determine all standard rules.
Create a list of rules to respect and implement.
Adding rules (Enum) and error messages in the code
Classe allows check new rules.
Start creating a list of rules with informations:
Rule name
Rule description
Where the rule to apply to
Standard of the rule (Version 1/Version 2)
Where the rule has been described
Add standard OIFITS rules
21/08/2017-01/09/2017, sprint 4
Continuity of implementation to version 2:
New validation rules on tables, keywords, and columns added
Management of the validity of the revision of the tables according to the version
Retrieving the version of an OIFits file:
Using the presence of the CONTENT keyword in the PrimaryHDU (contains "OIFITS2" in case version 2)
The files are correctly processed according to their version
Managing the writing and rewriting of images
Added the PrimaryHDU of version 2, with all these associated keywords
New test file: Test (load & write) all new information of version 2
Support writing FITS cubes in a single HDU
Fixed writing Fits cube (CRPIX3, CRVAL3, CDELT3)
24/07/2017-04/08/2017, sprint 3
Start of implementation to version 2:
Change of type for columns and keywords (Short / Int)
New table add: OI_CORR and OI_INSPOL.
New keywords and columns add for all tables have more information in version 2
Add a new Unit ARCSEC (FOV keyword/column)
Change on the management of optional keywords and columns
Adaptation of regression tests to test version 2
Adding an OIFITS file in version 2 to test our API
Change for consideration images
Mutualization of keyword management with other tables.
17/07/2017-21/07/2017, sprint 2
In-depth study on tests:
code sharing
Image Management
PrimaryHDU implementation testing
Reflection for the transition to version 2, PrimaryHDU:
Preparing for the addition of the PrimaryHDU (load & write)
PrimaryHDU defined in case it does not contain an image
All that is not standard keywords is handle as headercards
06/2017-14/07/2017, sprint 1
Implementation of the test infrastructure:
JUnit + reference / test files
Approach: save & compare values to detect any regression
Identify and collect interessting OIFtis files (test coverage)
Regression tests:
Dump & Load OIFits reference files
Create a new OIFits structure and Write to an OIFITS file
Load & Save a copy of OIFits files
take stock of all TODO, point by point
TODO: imageHDU should be returned even if no image to hold keywords -> could rely on the firstOnly flag ?
Javadoc fix
- 20 Oct 2017
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: r12
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Topic revision: r12 - 2018-02-09
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